Palestine and the Land of the Jews

Because of the war in the Gaza strip Israel and the Palestinians have been much in the news. Who are the true Palestinians and to whom does this Land belong?  Was the Land of the Jews always called Palestine? Are the ancestors of today the original inhabitants of this Land. What right does the Jews have to this land? These and other  questions we would like to answer in the following article.

New Year

Many challenges face us as we begin this new year. Each one of us can be mountain movers and change the destiny of our nation and the nations of the world; or we can be like the proverbial ostrich and put our head in the sand and resign in defeat to our responsibility and the many opportunities that face us. I would like to greet our friends with Isaiah 41:10 and Joshua 1:6-9 and especially the 9th. verse:”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”.