The Amazing and marvelous Healing Testimony of Betty Baxter:

“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” — Matthew 19:26
“The year was 1941. Betty Baxter was 14 years of age. She was born with several incurable diseases. Her spine was so knotted that it had pulled every single vertebrae out of place. She was so twisted that as a teenager, when they would lift her out of the bed and try to put her twisted and crippled feet on the floor and hold her in place, she was not as tall as her four-year-old brother.  
The pressure on her spinal cord would send her into phases of absolute blindness. Paralysis would shoot through her body. She could find no relief. Triple and quadruple shots of morphine quickly wore off, and the doctors finally came to her and said, “Your heart is swollen and your kidneys are destroyed from the medication that you’ve been on.”  
The doctors sent Betty home to die and said, “She can’t last but a few more short days.” Betty Baxter had a praying, Nazarene mother. Her father was not a believer, but he did not stop her mother from praying and going to church.  
Betty Baxter said that Jesus spoke to her and said, “Betty, you’ve been faithful, and you’ve been patient. And on August the 24th, 1941, at 3:00 in the afternoon, I’m going to heal you.” Her mother had been in prayer. She had, on her own, received the exact same word from the Lord. 
Betty told her mother to hang a dress on the wall. She said, “When God heals me, I am going to wear that dress to church!” Betty had never been able to wear normal clothes due to the fact that she was so mangled. That dress was a point of contact for Betty’s faith! 
They all showed up that day. Some showed up to see what God would do; others to see what God would not do. Betty told her mother to pray just before 3 p.m. As they prayed, a white cloud formed in the bedroom, and Jesus stepped out of it, and stood before her. She said that He showed her a long row of trees. And at the very end of that row was a bent over tree, twisted much like Betty. 
Lovingly, Jesus reached over and touched that tree. She said it was like a tornado cracking. Limbs went straight, trunk went straight, and Betty said, “That’s surely me.” Then Jesus touched the back of Betty’s body and all of her internal organs. She said, “It felt like fire went through the inside of me, and God healed my heart, my kidneys, and my liver!  
Then Jesus touched her on the biggest knot on her back. She said, “My body began to crack and snap, so you could hear it with your ears, as every one of my vertebrae went back into place. My arms and feet straightened out. And before I knew it, I was standing up looking down on my little four-year-old brother.”  
She said, “Mother, go get that dress that you hung on the wall, when God told us He was going to heal me. Get those leather shoes and put them on my feet.” And by five minutes after 3:00 on August the 24th, 1941, Betty Baxter came off that bed and committed her life to traveling the world preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ!”-Rod Parsley