Faith is Acting on God’s Word:


We read in James 2:21-22,

“Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.”

Saving or healing faith then would be appropriating God’s Word and acting on it regardless of our circumstances.

We read in 2Cor. 5:7

“For we live by faith, not by sight.”

Faith is not merely believing God’s Word but receiving it and acting on what God says regardless of how you may feel! You may feel sick, you may have pain, We do not let our feelings control us or lead us

Smith Wigglesworth, who was known as the apostle of faith, said, “If you are afraid to act you really don’t believe.” “Faith is an act not a feeling.” End of quote.

God’s Word is dependable, it can be trusted! God’s Word is the embodiment of His will! God’s nature is such that He longs to forgive us, He longs to heal us! Jesus demonstrated to us what God is like and what His will is when he had compassion on the multitudes and healed all that were sick! Substantiate by faith his promises, rise up and be healed in Jesus Name today!