What is True Revival:

What is True Revival:

Hello, Thank you for taking time to listen to insights from God’s precious Word: Today I will be speaking to you on the very important subject of revivial! My text is found in Joel 2:28-29, “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”

A Heaven sent revival is the urgent need of the hour! We are living in an hour where many churches have backslided and who are denying the fundamental truths of God’s Word and where society has degenerated and are disobeying God’s laws and are breaking His everlasting covenant! A new generation has sprung up that knows very little or nothing of God and His ways!

We desperately need to see God move in power that would

bring in a great harvest of souls in these last days!

Many people have a wrong understanding of what revivial is!

Today I will with the help of the Holy Spirit endeavor to give my listeners some definitions of what a true revival is: and my message is entitled, “What is true revival?”

Many people have a wrong understanding of what revivial is!

Today I will with the help of the Holy Spirit endeavor to give you some definitions of what a true revival is:

Arthur Wallis in his book, “In the Day of Thy Power,” writes that revival is, “God revealing Himself to man in awesome holiness and irresistible power.

Someone said, “Revival is an extraordinary visitation of God.” One definition of revival says, “Revival is God coming to man in an unusual way.”

Duncan Campbell, one of the instruments that God used in the great Hebrides revivial defined it in this way: and I quote,

“Then I would like to make it perfectly clear what I understand of revival. When I speak of revival, I am not thinking of high-pressure evangelism. I am not thinking of crusades or of special efforts convened and organized by man. That is not in my mind at all. Revival is something altogether different from evangelism on its highest level. Revival is a moving of God in the community and suddenly the community becomes God conscious before a word is said by any man representing any special effort.”

An awareness of God—that’s revival!

In the Hebrides revival an awareness of God gripped the community such as hadn’t been known for over a hundred years.

The outstanding characteristics of the revival were a deep sense of the reality and presence of God accompanied by a deep sense of conviction of sin.-

Revival is the moving of God’s Spirit on a community, on a town, on a city, on a nation and even on nations in answer to the prevailing prayer of men and women who believed that God was a covenant-keeping God and must be true to His covenant engagement.”-Duncan Campbell

In closing revival can be summarized as the manifest presence of God saturating a community in awesome power, holiness, love and glory thereby bringing deep conviction of sin causing even the hardest of hearts to repent!

When God through the person of the Holy Spirit manifests His presence in a particular area, everyone there, saint and sinner becomes aware of His presence! Although His presence is spiritual its reality and intensity is realized and felt just as if it was physical!

Dear friend do you want to experience God’s manifest presence in your church, in your schools, in your communities and in your town? Remember our text and God’s wonderful promise, found in Joel 2:28-29, ““And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.”

Shall we pray:

Our precious Heavenly Father we come to you in and through the wonderful Name of Jesus,

our nation and our world desperately needs to see revival! We desperately need to experience your manifest presence in our individual lives, in our homes, in our churches, in our communities and in our nations! Just as you poured out your Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Oh God do it again in our midst and even in a greater way! Your Word and your promise is, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people!” We thank you and praise for what you have begun and for what you will continue to do in our midst!

Bless all those who are listening today bless their homes, their families, their churches, their communities and their nations! May they sense your wonderful presence flooding their homes and their lives right now!

We pray and ask all this in Jesus Name, Amen!