Ten Reasons Why we should accept the Resurrection of Jesus Christ as a Historical Fact:

10 Reasons to Accept the Resurrection of Jesus as a Historical Fact

By: Brian Chilton | April 11, 2017

When I left the ministry due to my skepticism, one of the factors involved in my departure concerned the reliability of the New Testament documents and the resurrection of Jesus. The folks from the Jesus Seminar had me second-guessing whether I could trust what the New Testament said and if I could truly accept the literal bodily resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. In July of 2005, my life changed. I entered the Lifeway Christian Bookstore in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and read three books that changed my life more than any other book outside the Bible. I discovered Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christ, Josh McDowell’s The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict, and McDowell’s A Ready Defense. I discovered that there are many reasons for accepting the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth as a historical fact.

Through the years, the evidence has increasingly mounted for the historicity of Jesus’s resurrection. This article will provide 10 of the most fascinating arguments for the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. This list is not exhaustive and my dealings with each argument is extremely brief. Nevertheless, I hope this list will provide a starting point for you to consider the authenticity of Jesus’s resurrection.

  1. The First Eyewitnesses were Women. The first eyewitnesses of the resurrection were women. All the Gospels note that the first individuals to discover the tomb empty were women. Matthew notes that “After the Sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to view the tomb…The angel told the women, ‘Don’t be afraid, because I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the play where he lay” (Matthew 28:1, 5-6).[1] Women were not held in high esteem. In Greco-Roman culture, a woman’s testimony was not admissible in court. In Jewish circles, it took the testimony of two women to equate that of one man. If one were to invent a story, the last people one would place as the first witnesses would have been women, unless it were otherwise true.
  2. Minimal Facts Concerning the Resurrection. Gary Habermas has popularized the so-called minimal facts argument for the resurrection. The minimal facts are those things that are accepted by nearly all New Testament scholars. The minimal facts are “1. Jesus died by crucifixion. 2. Jesus’ disciples believed that he rose and appeared to them. 3. The church persecutor Paul was suddenly changed. 4. The skeptic James, brother of Jesus, was suddenly changed. 5. The tomb was empty.” [2] These facts are nearly universally accepted by New Testament scholars, including liberals.
  3. Transformation of the Early Disciples. As noted in the minimal facts, James, the brother of Jesus, was changed from a skeptic to a believer because of the resurrection. James along with his brothers did not believe in Jesus during Jesus’s early ministry (see John 7:5). However, Jesus appeared to James (1 Corinthians 15:3-9) and James became a leader in the early Jerusalem church. His death is recorded by Josephus.[3] Paul is another example of one who was completely transformed by the resurrection of Jesus. Paul had been a persecutor of the church. After witnessing the risen Jesus, Paul became a proclaimer for the church.
  4. Embarrassing Details of the Resurrection. Historically speaking, embarrassing details add veracity to a historical claim. The fact that women were the first witnesses, that a member of the Sanhedrin (the same Sanhedrin that executed Jesus) had to give Jesus a proper burial, and that the disciples were fearful and fled all serve as embarrassing factors for the resurrection account.
  5. Willingness to Die for What Was Known. Many people will die for what they believe to be true. But no one will die for something they erroneously invented. The disciples knew if they were telling the truth. Yet, one finds that the disciples were willing to die for what they knew to be true. Stephen died by stoning (Acts 7:54-60), James of Zebedee died by the sword at the hands of Herod (Acts 12:2), James the brother of Jesus died,[4] and Peter and Paul died at the hands of Nero.[5]
  6. Documentary Evidence. The documentary evidence for the resurrection of Jesus is quite good. The historian seeks to find how many primary and secondary sources[6] can be gathered for an event to determine the event’s historicity. Concerning primary sources, the resurrection has Matthew’s account, John’s account, and Paul’s account in 1 Corinthians 15, including the additional references by James (if one accepts that James wrote the letter attributed to him) and Jude. The following are secondary sources for the resurrection: Luke, Mark, Clement of Rome, and to a lesser degree Ignatius and Irenaeus.
  7. Circumstantial Evidence. Douglas Groothius notes that circumstantial evidence for the historicity of the resurrection is “namely, the practice of the early church in observing baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and Sunday worship.”[7] Baptism is based upon the analogy of Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. The Lord’s Supper is a symbol of Christ’s sacrificial death. In addition, it is quite odd that faithful Jews would move their worship from a Friday evening into Saturday to a Sunday morning unless something major had occurred on a Sunday morning. The major Sunday morning event was Jesus’s resurrection.
  8. The Missing Motive. J. Warner Wallace has noted in his lectures and books that when a conspiracy is formed, three motivating factors are behinds such a move—power, greed, and/or lust.[8] The disciples would hold no power behind claiming the resurrection as history. They were running around while often being threatened by the Jewish and Roman authorities. As far as greed, they taught that one should not desire earthly possessions, but spiritual ones. Lust was not a factor, either. They taught celibacy before marriage and marital fidelity after marriage. In fact, N. T. Wright notes in his classic book, The Resurrection of the Son of God, that the disciples had no theological motivation behind claiming that Jesus had risen from the dead as they were anticipating a military hero and a final resurrection at the end of time. What motivating factors existed for these disciples to invent such a story? None! The only reason the disciples taught the resurrection of Jesus was because Jesus’s resurrection had occurred.
  9. Enemy Attestation of the Resurrection. Historically speaking, if one holds enemy attestation to an event, then the event is strengthened. When one considers the claims of the authorities that the disciples had stolen the body of Jesus (Matthew 28:11-15), the testimony of the resurrection is strengthened. The early belief that the disciples had stolen the body of Jesus is strengthened by the discovery of the Nazareth Inscription that orders capital punishment for anyone who steals a body from a tomb.[9] In addition, several refences to Jesus and his resurrection include citations from Josephus,[10] Tacitus,[11] and Suetonius[12] among others (including the Babylonian Talmud).
  10. Multiple Post-Resurrection Eyewitnesses. Finally, there is multiple eyewitness testimony pertaining to the resurrection of Jesus. Several people had seen Jesus alive for a period of 40 days. The eyewitnesses include Mary Magdalene (John 20:10-18), the women at the tomb accompanying Mary (Matthew 28:1-10), the Roman guards (Matthew 28:4), the Eleven disciples (John 21), the two men on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), an indeterminate number of disciples (Matthew 28:16-20); over five-hundred disciples (1 Corinthains 15:6), to James (1 Corinthians 15:7) and to Paul (1 Corinthians 15:8-9). I am certain that there were many other witnesses that are unnamed.


Many other evidences could be given for the resurrection of Jesus. Thinking about the methods of history, one must understand that there is a reason why American accept the first President of the United States as George Washington and not Spongebob Squarepants. History backs up the claim that Washington was the first President. In like manner, history backs up the reality of Jesus’s resurrection. Now the question is this: what will you do with such information? Some will try to ignore the event. Some will try to dismiss it. Others will acknowledge the factual nature of the event and worship Jesus as the risen Lord. It is my prayer that you will do the latter.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ-A Historical Fact!

The life and Resurrection of Jesus Christ -A  Historical Fact

Throughout the Christian world hundreds of millions of believers around the world will soon be celebrating the feast of Easter or in other words the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The celebration and commemoration of Easter has been celebrated since Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and is Christianity’s most important holiday. It is celebrated by hundreds of millions of believers around the world.

Being a Christian is not just belonging  to a religion called Christianity but it coming into a vital relationship with Jesus Christ. The coming of Jesus Christ into this world and His resurrection is not a myth or fable  but is based on historical facts. We have many substantial reasons to believe that Jesus Christ was a historical person for example there is more evidence that Jesus existed than there is of Julius Ceaser or Alexander the Great. Historians believe that these two historical persons existed because of three primary reasons: 1. Written documentation from early historians. 2. Historical impact. 3. Other historical and archaeological evidence.

At least nineteen early secular writers made reference to Jesus as a real person. One of the world’s  greatest historians, Tacitus, who was born 25 years after Jesus died and who was not a Christian affirmed that Jesus had suffered under Pilate. The 27 New Testament books are written by authors  who either knew Jesus personally or received first hand knowledge of him from others.

Alexander the Great as a real person impacted history by his military conquests but what about the impact on history and on this world until this present time by Jesus Christ. Schools, hospitals, missionary societies and humanitarian works have been founded in his name, cannibalism, idolatry, human sacrifices and cruel, sadistic practices were eliminated, Women who were considered inferior before were given their proper status in society. Slavery was abolished in Britain and America due to Jesus’ teaching on ethics and morals. Former drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes and millions of others have had their lives changed for the better and received new purpose in life by trusting in Jesus.

One of the established facts of history is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This fact  validates everything He said about Himself, about the meaning of life, and about what happens after death. His visible appearance  after his resurrection was personally witnessed by many reliable persons. Once Jesus was seen by over 500 people at the same time after His resurrection. (1Corinthians 15:6). The Jews who had delivered Jesus to be crucified and the Roman Empire with its great army could not find the body of Jesus and refute the claims of the early Christians.  Only His physical resurrection could explain how a group of frightened and discouraged men could be transformed into bold disciples who were even willing to die if necessary for that which they had seen and heard. As a result they were instruments in spreading Christianity to many parts of then known world. Only physical resurrection and the subsequent giving of the Holy Spirit to Jesus’ followers could account for the existence of the church today that continues to impact the world for good.

Fulfilled Bible prophecy which defies all mathematical odds is proof of the validity of the Bible which foretells specific events in detail many years, sometimes centuries, before they occur. One of the great prophecies that has been and is being fulfilled in this century is the return of the Jews to their homeland after being scattered all over the world for approximately two thousand years.  This is a modern day miracle and was predicted in many places in the Bible. For example in Ezekiel 37:2l, we read, “…This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land.”

We have many prophecies found in the Old Testament that were given many years before the birth of Christ that were fulfilled in Him. Some of these prophecies include: 1.His birth of a virgin; 2. His birth at Bethlehem; 3. His flight into Egypt;  4. His dwelling at Nazareth; 5. His healing of the sick; 5. His body being pierced without His bones being broken; 6. His rising from the dead and that His body would not see corruption. 7. The precise time frame in which He would appear. 8. There are those who proclaim that Jesus did not really die on the cross but this is not true. The whole of Isaiah 53 is a remarkable prophecy of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, for example in Isaiah 53:9 we read, “He made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death…” Also in Isaiah 53:12, “…because he hath poured out his soul unto death…” All four Gospels record His death. Also before the body of Jesus was removed from the cross, a Roman soldier  pierced His side with a spear removing all doubt to the fact that Jesus was dead. (St. John 19:34).

Many things in the Old Testament points forward to and are types of Jesus Christ. For example when God initiated the feast of Passover (Exodus 12:3-6) a lamb in perfect condition had to be killed. This represented the sacrifice of Jesus when He died on the cross for the sins of all mankind. John the Baptist exclaimed when He saw Jesus, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. (John 1:29).

Ancient biblical prophets performed miracles to confirm their divine authority. Many miracles were performed by Jesus Christ which were even acknowledged by His enemies confirming to us the Divine origin of the Bible.

The science of archeology have discovered many things that are an amazing confirmation to the accuracy of the Bible. The discovery of the dead sea scrolls in 1947 contained the oldest know copies of some important Old Testament books and confirmed their accuracy.  Nelson Glueck, a famous archeologist said, “It may be stated categorically that no archeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference.”

One of the greatest proofs to me that Jesus Christ is alive and that His Word is to be trusted is that I have  experienced his power and presence in my  own life. I have experienced His peace and forgiveness from all my sins when I repented and received Him as my personal Savior. I have experienced his healing touch in my body many times. I have experienced the constant comfort and fellowship of the promised Holy Spirit. Yes Jesus is not just a historical figure for me but a living reality. Death could not conquer Him, the grave could not hold Him. He is the resurrection and the life and whosoever would believe in Him, repent of their sins and receive Him as their personal Savior can also experience what I experienced as He is no respecter of persons.